Domestic Violence


The person abusing you can tell from your computer where you have been on the internet. The same is true for cell phones and home phones. To be safe use secure communication from work, public library, a friend’s phone, etc.

Restraining Orders:

  • Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order (TRO or DVRO) – In California, if one is being abused and has a close relationship with the abuser (married, domestic partner, legally separated, dating, etc.), the abused may file for a temporary restraining order. The TRO is in force for 3 weeks, but after a noticed hearing it can be made into a permanent restraining order for 3, 5, or 7 years. The TRO can include a “kick out” order to remove the alleged abuser from the cohabited residence.
  • Emergency Protective Order (EPO) – In California, law enforcement may issue an emergency protective order. The order is generally valid for 5 days before a noticed hearing must be held in order to make the order longer lasting.
  • Criminal Protective Order (“No Contact” Order) – In California, the District Attorney’s office may issue a criminal protective order. The “no contact” order is issued in active domestic violence cases. Contact between the parties must be though attorneys.
  • Civil Harassment Restraining Order (CHO). – In California, a civil restraining order may be sought by one seeking to stop harassment, threats, stalking, etc. by people with whom the abused doe snot have a “close” relationship, ie. neighbors, roommates and co-workers.

Note: Domestic violence allegations may result in immigration and criminal collateral consequences.

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